
Suppose you want to train a model to do superhuman question-answering. To do that, you collect a dataset of (x, q, a) pairs where x is the output from some set of sensors at some time, q is some question about the world at that time, and a is some answer to that question, collected by humans investigating the question at a later time. You then want to train a machine learning model via some training scheme to fit that dataset. As an abstraction, we’ll think of all training processes as describable by a prior with the property that, when conditioned on the dataset, the resulting posterior describes the distribution of models that result from applying that training process to that dataset. Thus, when I ask you to describe a training process with particular properties, you need only specify a prior and a dataset-generating procedure—and you’re welcome to provide any describable prior, computable or not (so a Solomonoff prior is fair game, for example). Now, here are some models that you might get in such a situation: The direct translator honestly answers questions according to its internal model of the world. The human imitator mimics the process used by humans to produce the answers in the training distribution. The deceptive model has some completely separate goal—e.g. maximize paperclips—but answers questions honestly during training specifically because it wants to be selected by the training process so that it can eventually enact a treacherous turn. The ELK problem asks you to find a training process that preferentially selects for the direct translator over the human imitator (it’s also slightly different in that it only asks you to learn a question-answering head on top of an existing predictive model, whereas here we want to learn the whole thing end-to-end). The problem here, however, is to find a training process that preferentially selects for the human imitator over the deceptive model. We’re putting aside the question of how to get the direct translator entirely here and instead just focusing on how to not get the deceptive model.


We will define a set, S_M, of allowed models (i.e. P=0 for all other models), but no other priors (i.e. probability is evenly distributed over models in S_M). S_M contains MLPs (I use MLPs only to help describe the approach in concrete terms) of identical architecture and thus also identical parameter counts K. Furthermore, K is low enough that all models in S_M are underparameterized relative to the dataset, X (i.e., adding more parameters >K can always yield lower train loss for every M in S_M). Given that there are no other model priors, our training procedure is to just choose the model in S_M that achieves the lowest training loss, where the training loss is computed as the difference between the human-generated answers and the model-generated answers. How the dataset is collected doesn’t matter too much beyond the premises already outlined in the question, but the larger, more diverse, and accurate the dataset, the better.

I will prove that this approach avoids deceptive alignment by contradiction:

For deceptive alignment to exist, our training process must be capable of producing some model, M_d, which possesses a mesa objective O_mesa that will cause some undesired behavior on the deployment distribution. For this behavior to exist, M_d must have some way of checking for a distributional shift. Such a circuit would compute P(x,q|deployment) (=1-P(x,q|train)) and then use this to determine whether to pursue the base objective or the mesa objective. The crucial detail of this circuit is that it has no effect on the training loss. One can see this by removing the circuit during training and just have the model pursue the base objective (e.g. by just hardcoding what would happen if P(train) > 0.5). This modification would produce identical behavior on the training distribution, and thus identical training loss. However, if such a circuit exists and doesn’t affect the training loss, we can replace the parameters forming that circuit with parameters that are instrumentally useful for pursuing the base objective and thus reduce the training loss, because M_d is underparameterized; therefore, there exists another model in S_M with a lower training loss than M_d, a contradiction.

In a more practical scenario, this approach may still be vulnerable to a treacherous turn during training. However, this question only asks for a prior (including those that are non-computable) and a dataset-generating procedure, which I take to mean that we don’t need to specify a particular numerical optimization process and we can just “jump” to the highest probability model. Alternatively, you could answer this question using a class of models for which analytical solutions exist instead of MLPs (even if finding the analytical solution takes a very long time) and you would avoid this issue. But, more analysis would be required if we wanted to state a concrete local optimization procedure to prevent treacherous turns during training itself.