I think it is plausible that we create general human-level AI in our lifetimes. Additionally, once we reach human-level AI, I think that superhuman AI is highly probable shortly after. I think that such an AI could be either unimaginably good or catastrophically bad for humans. This outcome is ultimately determined by whether we are able to solve the AI alignment problem. I think that the alignment problem, or more specifically the problem of controlling an agent with superior intelligence to oneself, is fundamentally difficult, and this belief has no dependence on any technical details about model architectures. Unfortunately, considering the technical details only makes things seem more difficult; much more. We have very little idea how deep learning works.

I think that AI alignment is the main challenge between us and an extremely positive future, and I do mean extremely! I also find these topics intrinsically interesting, for how much they overlap with existential and moral philosophy. I am just starting my research career in this area, and here I lay out some specific objectives that I find myself gravitating towards.

Beware! All of this is extremely speculative and not well-cited. These opinions are also changing fast.


Aim 1: Understand and engineer goals and goal-oriented behavior

While goals are difficult to define, it does seem to us humans that certain physical processes are more goal-oriented than others. Although a person going to the kitchen to get some food is entirely explained by fundamental interactions between physical particles, for example in the brain of the person and the forces between the person’s hand and the fridge door handle, there is some sense to which the teleological explanation of this scenario—that the person was hungry and therefore sought food from the kitchen—is preferable to the mechanistic explanation.

This human preference for teleological reasoning extends to many, if not most, scenarios involving human behavior that we analyze. We view cooperation as groups of people working together to achieve shared goals, and we view conflicts as the resolution of people with opposing goals. On the brink of introducing human-level artificial intelligences into this world to be shared with humans, it has therefore been natural to view our interactions with these future AIs also with this teleological lens. Naturally, the questions become: What goals will the AIs have? What happens if their goals are different from ours? How can we affect the goals of the AI?

Aim 1.1 Understand how to develop and elicit representations of human-compatible goals

Self-supervised learning works really well. It has powered language models like ChatGPT by learning representations from vast amounts of unlabeled data. An extremely promising aspect of LLMs is the representations of human preferences that they have built up implicitly by predicting the internet. Rich representations of human values already exist in AI models! I think that this is more exciting from an alignment perspective than many people currently admit. However, there is still the challenge of eliciting these goals in an AI agent.

There are several technical approaches that leverage these human preference representations. Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is one such approach. Although RLHF also leverages an external signal of human preferences to train the model, this approach only works because the human preference representations are already latent in the LLM. RL from AI feedback (RLAIF), used in constitutional AI, is another way to elicit these human preference representations from LLMs to produce a useful agent. In constitutional AI, a human preference signal is also provided, although with fewer required samples than in RLHF, as this is supplemented through the textual constitution and feedback from the model itself. But again, RLAIF is only possible because of the latent preference representations that already exist in the LLM, and the constitution is just a way to help elicit and create a pointer to these representations. In addition, RLAIF can be applied to more general scenarios, for example robotics, by using multimodal, text and image, LLMs. In my previous work, I demonstrated a proof-of-concept in using a multimodal LLM to provide feedback for the pendulum control task.

Aim 1.2 Explore approaches to bootstrapping alignment or reward models

Self-play also works really well, at least for games. For example, AlphaZero mastered chess, shogi, and go by playing games against itself. While self-play is effective in developing the capabilities of AI systems, one of my questions is if there is some analog for goals, or reward models more technically. To what extent can we bootstrap reward models? There are some indications that bootstrapping reward models is possible in some sense. For example, iterated amplification and distillation uses an ensemble of less capable agents to produce a more capable agent that is aligned with those less capable agents. It’s not entirely clear if a reward model is being bootstrapped per se in this scenario, but it seems at least close to being so.

Aim 1.3 Build out theoretical foundations of goal-directed behavior.

I’ve found that discussions around AI alignment are often severely hindered by improper definitions of goals, goal-directed behavior, optimizers, and agents. For example, in discussions around inner alignment vs outer alignment, we run into some pretty major issues when we recursively follow the outer optimizer reference and end up at the universe optimizing for… something? Additionally, it’s quite unclear what LLMs are optimizing for; is it next token prediction? Is it the RLHF objective? Can next token prediction even be considered as a goal?

There are several unanswered questions around goals. What defines goal-directed behavior? What are the minimal preconditions for goal-directed behavior? Why might goal-directed behavior arise in our universe? Physics has already provided some progress on these questions, and I believe it can provide more. For example, physics allows us to reason about these questions through non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly dissipation-driven adaptation. While the second law of thermodynamics states that ΔS>0, the theory of dissipation-driven adaptation makes a stronger claim that the universe also evolves such that the rate of entropy production, dS/dt is optimized over time. At least we may know what the most meta optimizer does.

Fundamentally, I think that physics can help us explore the transition between teleological and mechanistic reasoning, and that this relationship is more important for understanding AI.

Aim 2: Understand deep neural networks for interpretation and modification

AI alignment is plagued by a verifiability problem. We can construct these capable AI systems with whatever fancy RL technique with whatever fancy reward model we want, but examining external behavior of the model may not tell you whether the model is aligned, because a sufficiently capable model could be deceptive. Therefore, it would be extremely useful for us to look directly in the mind of the AI to understand whether we did the job correctly. Furthermore, if we saw something that didn’t look right, could we modify the mind directly, in a surgical fashion, to fix the issue?

I view neural network interpretability efforts with two lenses, the bottom-up lens and the top-down lens, or, alternatively, the mechanistic and the teleological lens. The bottom-up lens seeks to leverage an understanding of low-level mechanisms of neural networks to interpret model behavior. The top-down lens seeks to leverage properties of the physical universe that neural networks are modeling to interpret model behavior. Although these lenses aren’t always distinct, I will seek to describe them below by elucidating how sparse autoencoders, a very successful mechanistic interpretability technique, can be viewed from either the bottom-up or top-down lens.

Aim 2.1 Understand neural networks from the bottom up

The bottom-up perspective to sparse autoencoders is that we discovered a characteristic (feature superposition) that efficient neural networks would exhibit to hold and process more information that is highly specific to the fundamental structure of a neural network and leveraged this discovery to automatically dissect neural networks into more interpretable parts using sparse autoencoders. The foundations for feature superposition were laid out in Toy models of superposition, which used a very physics-esque approach in its analysis. I believe that leveraging perspectives and tools from physics can continue to be successful in this bottom-up approach to interpretability. One reason is because of the history of physics in deriving simple, effective theories of systems consisting of many elementary components and their interactions (e.g., thermodynamics, statistical mechanics) which at least suggests the effectiveness of physics in understanding the many simple interacting neurons in neural networks. In line with this bottom-up approach, I independently did some analysis of some weird stuff I saw with in the current literature on feature superposition.

Aim 2.2 Understand neural networks from the top down

The top-down perspective to sparse auto encoders is that we used a general physical property about the universe to imply certain characteristics that models of the universe will exhibit and leveraged this property to automatically dissect neural networks into more interpretable parts using sparse autoencoders. This general physical property is not perfectly defined, but one popular description is in Bruno Olshausen’s work. A bit differently from Olshausen’s description, I would describe this property as that there are many properties about the universe, but these properties are somewhat local, meaning that not all properties are relevant at any given point in spacetime. This enables feature superposition because you can superpose features, relating to physical properties, that are not relevant together. Other work in related to the top-down approach includes Why does deep and cheap learning work so well? For different reasons, I also believe physics is quite valuable for this top-down approach, because this approach relies on establishing fundamental properties of useful models of our universe which ultimately depends on our universe and its laws.

Aim 3: Integrating biological and artificial intelligence for alignment

The AI alignment problem is fundamentally a problem regarding the relationship between human and AI. Therefore, I think that approaches that jointly study the brain and AI are promising.

Aim 3.1 Representational alignment between neural networks and brains

Recent work on representational alignment have studied how representations across models relate to each other, how to make these representations more similar, and what benefits various representations offer. One particularly interesting (and very sci-fi-y!) avenue in this area is aligning the representations of artificial neural networks and the brain. It has been found that aligning CNN and macaque inferior temporal cortex representations improves CNN adversarial robustness. From an alignment perspective, these approaches are all promising for generating AIs that are less alien to us, in a general sense, for example to help us anticipate behaviors and failure modes in AIs.

Aim 3.2 Using reward centers in the human brain for regularizing RL agents and designing reward functions

The AI representations that we most want aligned with human representations are representations of goals. Some existing work in the area of integrating the goals of biological and artificial intelligence has involved using RL agents to directly control the neurons of the C elegans worm to achieve some externally specified task, although ideally we are looking for the reverse of this. Work in this area would probably seek to explicitly make the representations of goals, for example in RL agents, more similar to the goals encoded in brains, ideally human brains.


All of these approaches are directly relevant to designing AI systems that intrinsically seek to benefit humans. Aim 1 will improve our ability to instill human-centered goals in AI systems, Aim 2 will allow us to verify whether an AI system is successfully aligned with human preferences, and Aim 3 will more directly rely on biological brains and their representations to design AIs that are more compatible and comprehensible to humans. In the ideal scenario, I join a lab that allows me to pursue all three aims, but focusing on a subset of these aims is also good and probably more realistic. But aim high!